
Some of the testimonials I have received since 2013 🙂 :

“Phoenix is an extraordinary and truly gifted healer and teacher. I have attended his meditation groups on a number of occasions had an Astrology reading, and numerous Ka Ba Sun healing sessions which he is the founder and creator of. All of which are extremely powerful and the reading was a fabulous insight and tool to which has been most beneficial. I can highly recommend this amazing and very genuine chap. I am truly grateful to be working with Phoenix and will continue to visit for further healing/relaxation sessions. Thank you.”

-Tracy H.

“Wow amazing. Thank you so much Phoenix Simon, Phoenix Amethyst : The Heartist

“That was a blooming astounding healing session. I feel like saying upgrade achieved, level unlocked 😉

This man is an amazing healer and I can wholeheartedly recommend him. He truly hears what your body is saying and works to heal what sometimes isn’t said.”

-Jay C.

“I’ve had some insights from him and also some NLP which was really very inspiring. He’s a really nice guy to boot. ”

-Amy Bennett

“[Phoenix] has a gentle and sympathetic manner and has a confident and relaxed approach to reiki healing. He put me at ease and transformed my worries, releasing my problems and tensions, balancing my mood and putting me in a positive frame of mind. He is intuitive and calm and trustworthy, utilizing both hands on and off healing. I would recommend him highly as his Reiki is highly effective, professional and transformative. I have much faith and belief in him as a Reiki practitioner.”

-Amanda G.

“Only recently introduced to Phoenix. He is a very gentle and loving soul. I had a brilliant Reiki session with him and will have more I am sure. He got me painting again! Certainly I’d reccomend him to anyone.”

– Bequi White

“Thanks to you I have got my life back and am ready to move on after a difficult year for me. Reiki treatments have shifted hurts and given me more of a sense of purpose.
As you know, I’m going to go abroad to explore, something I couldn’t have done before. The world is my oyster, it’s not scary any more.
Not just the Reiki, but your willingness to listen and not judge what came out of my mouth which was at times complete gibberish but somehow you made sense of it all. You are very gifted.”

-Claire Williams

“I was amazed at how genuinely relaxed I felt afterwards. I felt clearer and lighter. Somethings shifted. Having not had reiki with sound before I would definitely have it again.  Interesting insight in the talk afterwards.”


“You [Phoenix] have a wonderful way about you. Very gentle, but safe and secure too. I found the treatment to be a deeply intense one. I felt the negativity in my head and back leaving me , and saw lots of colours around me. I ached for about a day afterwards, but I knew it was part of the process, like in your feedback to me. After aching, I got really vibrant, like a day in a cocoon and emerging out the other end a butterfly. I have already recommended you to friends, as you know x x”

-Jessica Hartnett

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